Tuition and Fees


Tuition is due in full at the beginning of the school year. However, with approval, families may be allowed to pay in monthly installments due by the 1st of each month, August through May. If installment payments are not made by the 5th, a late fee may be charged and/or the privilege of making installment payments may be revoked at any time by the Administration.


Tuition Schedule*

Effective with the 2025-2026 school year:

$5,500 per student with no discount for multiple children

PreK to 12th grade (Annually)
1 child................................................................... $5,500
2 children.......................................................... $11,000
3 children.......................................................... $16,500
4 children......................................................... $22,000

*Tuition subject to change by decision of the School Board


Tuition for Dual Enrollment Students*

Tuition and fees are still required from DE students

  1. DE students in college full-time pay: $200 registration and $150/month tuition. 

    DE students in college part-time and at Muslim Academy part-time pay:  $550 registration +  $100/class supply fee and  $200/month tuition per class they take at Muslim Academy. 

    So, a student taking 2 classes at Muslim Academy would pay $550 registration + $200 supply fee + $400/month tuition.

    *Tuition subject to change by decision of the School Board


Registration/Supply Fees*


Registration, Textbooks, and Supplies Fee (Prek - 12th)

*Fees subject to change by decision of the School Board